Monday, October 29, 2007

Oh there will be blood, but no country for old men...

so the coen's have a new film coming out very soon, its called no country for old men and it looks like its harkening back to the "classic" coen style if that makes any sense. so does paul thomas anderson, who i reluctantly admit to not knowing anything about, i've never seen boogie nights or magnolia or anything else he's done, but his new one looks great. its called there will be blood. it's starring daniel day lewis in a turn of the century story revolving around oil, i've already been hearing early talk of people comparing it to citizen kane (!) of all films, i guess the power hungry motivation to capture the american dream runs strong in this one. both of these films i guarantee will spark quite a wave in hollywood come oscar time, just by credentials alone, but the odd thing is that these two along with the already released 3:10 to yuma and the assasination of jesse james by the coward robert ford all deal with those wide open spaces in the west. granted the latter two films are set during the wild west but still, it's nice to see talented filmakers filming these kind of scenes again. hopefully a resurgence of sorts comes about following the release of all these films this year. the coens newest comes out on nov. 21, with there will be blood comes out the day after christmas, should be a good flick to see that day after a marathon session of a christmas story. extra note to there will be blood, radiohead guitarist johnny greenwood contributes the score, this is good news. the performances in both have already been getting crazy good reviews, no country in particular looks so fucking badass, but it may just be that i'm familiar with the coens work, i've heard great things about anderson and this trialer at least seems to verify that, i espcecially cant wait to see lewis in this, for my money his bill the butcher still remains one of the best characters in any film in the past decade.

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