Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hillary Clinton on Bill O'Reilly

I kinda hate Bill O'Reilly and I don't really like Hillary Clinton, I'm more of an Obama man myself, but both of them seem to be on a semi coherent level while talking to each other on Fox news. The thing about Bill is that I really can't fault him too much because it seems like he sincerely believes in his bullshit, and at the begginning of this video he really comes off as a rich pompous bastard, complaining about a 6 1/2 tax increase for people making more than $250,000 a year, directly after notifying Hillary that he is a "rich person, like you". Hillary is pretty levelheaded during the whole thing, making Bill look like kinda of a jackass for the first half until they both settle down towards the end, where you can check out Hillary's wicked cackle.

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